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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cultural Diversity

In the neighborhood in which I live in, has some cultural diversity because of the different races that live there. We might have multiple races of people, but majority of the them the follow the american culture that they desired. Not all the people follow this culture the older people who live in our neighborhood tend to follow their original culture because of their religon, while the younger people forget about their religon and try to change the culture they were ment to folow. One example is a hispanic who changed their culture to match that of a thug who lives around the neighborhood. There are many more reasons that can influence a persons culture like religon who still use their older costoms from the past which in many cases force them to follow that culture. One more thing that can influence would be a persons morales and beliefs if they are weak then that person will change and when there strong then that person will not change culture or their religon easly as the others.

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